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The solution

The Trash Shield does not require a power source and simply clips onto any size trash container for outdoor commercial and residential dumpsters as well as indoor residential containers.

"A better alternative than using water and a hose, then dumping contaminated water into the environment."


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The Commercial Product is designed to dispense a disinfectant liquid after the commercial trash container, 2-8 cubic yards, is overturned to be emptied and returned to the ground. This product's design is more cost effective for waste collection companies' customers. This is achieved by conserving the amount of mitigating/disinfectant liquid that the customers will use in one year by automatically spraying the inside of the trash container once a week when the dumpster is emptied. 

Stops Bacteria and Odor!



public safety

The Residential Outdoor Product is designed to clip onto any 30–96 Gallon Two-wheel Roll out Trash Container, or Recycling and Green Waste Containers. The product creates pressure when the trash container is overturned to be emptied and returned to the ground; or when the lid has been opened and then closed. In addition to having the disinfectant liquid automatically spray after each time the container is emptied, the device is also capable of manual dispensing the liquid within the container, as well as, access to a lockable and interchangeable reservoir. 

Stops Bugs and Rodents!


The Residential Indoor Product is designed to be 3D printed and dispense a disinfectant liquid after the trash container lid is opened and then closed. This design can be utilized on any trash container with a lid. The liquid cartridge is interchangeable and on a 30+ day life cycle. The product's system is designed to be primed after the lid has been raised and then dispenses the liquid agent after the container is closed. 

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Stops Viruses Too!!! 

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Stop Problems Spread through Trash



Eric Larabee

Shield Devices Inc - President & CEO

Email - 

Phone - (206) 226 - 4587

WA - United States

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